Friday, May 25, 2012

Pa-Pow!!! We have a building at last!

Oh we Fancy...
Our lil women's space
What, what's that you see?????

It's Cooperative Chorouk's very own building!!!

Located on the one and only road in Toon Town and decked out with the three looms, His Royal Majesty King Mohammed VI,  gave us late last year. It is finally all starting to come together :)

We plan to have a grand opening sometime next month, during which we will invite all the local government officials to celebrate with us. Tea Party Style.

I've requested funding to purchase some materials to make an 'inspiration board' and hopefully I will be able to get that all together before the grand opening ceremony. The 'inspiration board' will be a large cork board where I can hang pictures of Rabha and all the officials she has met with over the past two years, along with the certificates the cooperative has acquired. It will also include a display of potential new products with dimensions and color schemes. Next to the inspiration board, I am hoping to get a chalk/white board so that the ladies have a central place for cooperative related items (i.e., upcoming events, orders, etc...).

It feels so good to finally see the fruit of our labor and I am excited at what we will accomplish during my last five months here in Morocco!

Miriam x


  1. You go girl! You have served those women well. Make sure you include a photograph of yourself on that board so they can always remember who helped them get so far! You should be so proud of yourself as we are of you.

  2. Yes, H E A R T I E S T C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
    You should certainly feel proud of your achievement - but now why not try and get some air conditioning for those poor weavers. That would keep them at their looms day and night! Meanwhile, your Mum's right - get yourself some recognition. You deserve it.
    Fondest love...Granddad xxxxxxxx
