Saturday, October 30, 2010


I just wanted to let those of you who think the pictures are small know...that you can click on them and they become full screen :)


  1. Annemarie - That picture of you all leaving for site visits - that guy on the end - are you sure that's not Ryan from Eastenders

  2. Seriously though Annemarie - the pictures are great - thank you for them and all your news.
    Good luck next week and can't wait to hear about your new host family.
    Good news about the cyber cafe - means we will be able to keep in touch.
    Love Nana xxx

  3. So pleased to hear your positive response to your new posting Annemarie - despite it's remoteness and hostile weather prospects. We'll now all be keeping everything crossed that your next host family will be just as nice as Hafida etc. Don't keep us waiting too long for your new blog entry. Lots of xxxxxxxxxxxx from Granddad.
